Configuring Realflo Server Settings

Some driver-specific settings need configuring on the server by a system administrator when a system is first installed. These settings are configured using the Geo SCADA Expert ServerConfiguration tool. For information on accessing theGeo SCADA Expert ServerGeo SCADA Expert ServerConfiguration tool,see Configuring Advanced Driver Server Settings in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Advanced Drivers.

If any SCADAPack controllers on your system are running Realflo, in addition to defining the settings on the Geo SCADA Expert Server Configuration Tool’s SCADAPack Modbus section, a system administrator will also need to define the settings on the tool’s Realflo section. This section explains how to configure the Realflo settings. For information on configuring the SCADAPack Modbus settings, see Configuring SCADAPack Modbus Server Settings in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to the SCADAPack Modbus Driver.

When the Realflo extension driver is first installed on a Geo SCADA Expert system, a system administrator should:

  1. Define the Minimum Drift before Geo SCADA Expert Sets the Realflo Clock.
  2. Define the Flow Computer Command Timeout.
  3. Specify Whether Geo SCADA Expert is to Check that each Flow Computer ID is Unique.
  4. Apply the changes to the server.
  5. If the driver is currently running on the server, restart the driver for the changes to take effect.

    ATTENTION: This driver is an extension driver. To restart an extension driver, you restart its 'parent' driver. As such, any other extension drivers that are supported by the 'parent' driver, and that are running on your system, will also be restarted.

  6. Repeat the procedure for each server on the system, other than Permanent Standby servers.


Geo SCADA Expert 2020