Preparation and Configuration Order

You need to configure a VT Service Port Master before you can successfully configure any Virtual Terminals that are associated with that service port. You need to configure a VT Service Port Master for each external application on which you want a DNP3 port to double as a virtual service port. The virtual service port allows ‘transparent’ transfer of data via a Geo SCADA Expert system, using the DNP3 and Virtual Terminal protocols (see Example Configuration).

You need to configure one Virtual Terminal for each outstation port through which communications are being routed. You also need to indicate the type of VT support required for each outstation. This is specified on the DNP3 tab of the DNP3 master Outstation Form (see Configure Virtual Terminal Support).

Before you can successfully configure a VT Service Port Slave, you need to have configured the DNP3 Slave outstation on which the service port is located.

Further Information

Configure a DNP3 VT Service Port Master.

Configure a DNP3 Virtual Terminal.

Configuring a DNP3 Slave Outstation.

Configure a VT Service Port Slave.


Geo SCADA Expert 2019