Viewing the System Status

A Control System can be configured to consist of multiple nodes, (see Define the Node Name for a Client - System Connection). Keeping track of state is important for the engineers when diagnosing problems. The System Status window allows you to see the state of each of the nodes and diagnose any issues.

You require System Admin permission be able to diagnose issues, (see Allocating Security Permissions).

To view the System Status from the ViewX client and manage the server nodes in the system:

  1. Select the Home tab on the ViewX ribbon.
  2. Select the Status command on the ribbon.


  1. Display the Database Bar (see Display an Explorer Bar).
  2. Right-click on the System Node
    A context-sensitive menu is displayed.
  3. Select the Status option.

The System Status window is displayed:

For each Server node in the system the following information is displayed:

Selecting a server in the list activates the Shutdown and Diagnose buttons. By default the first server in the list is selected.

The Shutdown and Diagnose buttons are only available for users that have the System Admin permission on the root group, (see Allocating Security Permissions).


Geo SCADA Expert 2021