Alarm Suppressed

Associated with: Any item that can raise an alarm and is configured to support Alarm Suppression

The Alarm Suppressed state is indicated by a black foreground color, by default.

When alarms are suppressed, they are omitted from alarm displays (such as the Alarm Banner and Alarms Lists). However, it is still possible to see the alarms on other displays, such as Mimics and Objects Lists.

If your system is configured to use the Consequential Alarms Palette, suppressed alarms on non-alarm displays are assigned the Alarm Suppressed color instead of the relevant Alarm Severity color. Once the suppression is removed, the alarms are first assigned the Alarm Suppression Clear Pending color (if applicable), and then revert back to using the appropriate Alarm Severity color. The entries revert back to the relevant state color once the alarms have been acknowledged and no longer exist.

If your system is not configured to use the Consequential Alarms Palette, suppressed alarms on non-alarm displays are assigned the relevant Alarm Severity color, and the Alarm Suppressed color is not used. (This is the default on new and upgraded installations.)

(Exceptions might apply that result in non-alarm displays using neither of the above color sets. For example, if the entries on Mimics are configured to use a custom foreground color, or if Queries Lists have been customized so that the entries' foreground colors do not change in response to the items' status. This is regardless of whether or not the system is configured to use the Consequential Alarms Palette.)

Also see Alarm Suppression Clear Pending.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021