Configure the Limits for a Forecast

Use the fields within the Alarm Limits section of the Forecast tab to specify whether Geo SCADA Expert is to raise any alarms as a result of Forecast values exceeding specified limits.

You can use these limits in conjunction with the fields in the Alarm Time Window to specify the period during which Geo SCADA Expert is able to generate such alarms (see Define the Period of Forecast Data for which Geo SCADA Expert can Generate Limit Alarms).

You can specify up to eight limits for which Geo SCADA Expert is to raise alarms should any Forecast values exceed those limits.

Within the Alarm Limits section, each row represents a different limit (labelled 1 to 8). To use a limit, you select the Enabled check box for that limit. Once enabled, the rest of the fields in that row become available for use.

You do not need to set up the limits so that they form a particular order (for example, all High alarms together, followed by all Low alarms), as Geo SCADA Expert organizes the limits internally, according to their configuration. However, we advise using ordering where possible, to allow the configuration to be readily assessed, should configuration changes be required in the future.

Use the fields to configure the limit settings:


Geo SCADA Expert 2021