Configure a UCP Pager Service

If your pager or mobile telephone service provider uses a UCP interface to send messages, you need to configure UCP Pager Service database items to represent the UCP protocol.

You need to configure one UCP Pager Service for each service provider through which you wish to send messages. For example, to send messages in Norway through the Telenor and TMN networks, you would need to configure two UCP Pager Services, one for the Telenor network and one for the TMN network.

With UCP Pager Services (and TAP Pager Services), you can use multiple channels for redundancy. For example, two Pager Channels could be assigned to the same UCP Pager Service, with one channel acting as a back-up channel in case of difficulties connecting via the other channel. However, each Pager Channel can only be assigned to one Pager Service.

To configure a UCP Pager Service:

  1. Log on to your system via a User Account that has the Configure Database permission (see Allocating Security Permissions in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Security).
  2. Display the Pager Service Form for the Pager Service item you want to configure. If the item does not already exist in the database, you will need to Create a Pager Service Database Item.
  3. Configure the properties on the Identification, User Methods, Alarm, and Redirection tabs as required (see Tabs on Configuration Forms).
  4. Select the UCP Service tab.
  5. Configure the 'common' Pager Service properties on the tab (see Configure the Common Pager Service Properties).
  6. Configure the following UCP-specific property:
    • Standard Reply Delay—Use to define the amount of time the Pager Driver will wait for a response to a sent message. If the service provider does not respond within the Standard Reply Delay time, the Pager Driver deems the transaction to have failed. It will attempt to resend the message a specified number of times (defined by the Pager Channel’s Comms Retries property and the Pager Service’s Retries property), and if there is still no response, it will deem the message to have failed. For more information, see Define the Standard Reply Delay for a UCP Pager Service.
  7. Save the configuration (see Saving Configuration Changes in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Core Configuration).

Further Information

Configuring a Pager Channel.

Define the Retry and Timeout Properties for a Pager Service.

Define the Number of Communications Retries for a Pager Channel.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021