File Access Settings

The System Configuration branch of the Server Configuration Tool includes a File Access section. You use this section of the tool to specify whether client applications can access files on the Geo SCADA Expert server. Some 'client applications' (such as Logic programs) run internally on the server, while 'regular' client applications might run locally on the server in addition to running on dedicated client machines. The file access relates to using automation to invoke a method (for example, via COM, .NET, SOAP, Scripting, Logic, Alarm Redirections, Schedules, and so on). The file access applies to Geo SCADA Expert database methods that have file arguments. Many of these database methods are driver-specific, however some (such as ImportPasswordBlacklist and ExportPassword Blacklist) are in the core product. The properties in this section are disabled by default. We recommend that the properties are left at the default (Disabled) unless access to files on the server is specifically required.



We strongly recommend that you do not allow client applications to write to files on the Geo SCADA Expert server. Allowing client applications to have such access could inadvertently lead to any file on the server, including operating system files, and application programs, being overwritten.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment damage.

potential security breach or risk of information disclosure

We strongly recommend that you do not allow client applications to read files on the Geo SCADA Expert server. Allowing client applications to have such access could inadvertently lead to a security breach or risk of information disclosure.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in a security breach or information disclosure.

With both of the above properties, the options are as follows. In each case, the restrictions to file access relate to Geo SCADA Expert database methods that have file arguments, when those database methods are being invoked by a client application.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021