Database Emulation Configuration

This page of the Installation Wizard is only displayed if you are upgrading an existing installation of Geo SCADA Expert.

Use the Database Emulation Configuration page to specify whether you want the upgraded server to initially emulate the version of Geo SCADA Expert software that it was running prior to this upgrade. While the server is emulating the prior database version, the database files continue to be saved in the format of that earlier database version. Such Database Emulation can prove a useful temporary stage while you run checks to ensure that the upgrade has been successful.

You might want to use Database Emulation, for example, if your system includes custom-built DDK drivers and you want to test that those drivers continue to run successfully following the upgrade. Once you have determined that the upgrade has been successful, you should turn the Database Emulation off (see Disable Database Emulation after a Successful Upgrade). If, however, you decide that you want to downgrade back to the database version that the server was running prior to the upgrade, leave the Database Emulation enabled. You will then be able to downgrade the server while retaining all of the data in that database, including the data that Geo SCADA Expert gathered during its operation with the upgraded software. This will be primarily due to the fact that the database files have continued to be saved in the same format as that prior database version (see Perform a Downgrade after Upgrading Geo SCADA Expert).

Ensure that all of your servers are running the same build of Geo SCADA Expert 2020 or later software before enabling the Database Emulation feature while you upgrade those servers to Geo SCADA Expert 2021 or later software. Once checks have been made to ensure that the upgrade was successful, you should ensure that all of your servers are running the same build of upgraded software before then disabling the Database Emulation feature.


The setting that you select for the Enable server database version emulation check box is stored on the server. That same setting will then be offered as the default the next time that Geo SCADA Expert is upgraded on that server. (If required, you can use the Server Configuration Tool to change this setting (see Specify the Default Setting for the Database Emulation Feature).)

Select Next to proceed to Choose Setup Type.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021