Types of Emulation Supported by Geo SCADA Expert

Emulation is the process of enabling one software version to behave like another software version. Geo SCADA Expert supports the following types of emulation:

Database Emulation

This type of emulation is supported by Geo SCADA Expert 2021 onwards.

When you upgrade the version of Geo SCADA Expert that is running on a server, you can opt to Enable server database version emulation (see Database Emulation Configuration). While enabled, the database files continue to be saved in the same format at that of the version of Geo SCADA Expert that the server was running just prior to the upgrade (the database can be emulated back to Geo SCADA Expert 2019 inclusive). You can then check that the upgrade is successful across the system before you disable that database emulation (see Disable Database Emulation after a Successful Upgrade).

If you decide that you want to downgrade back to the version of Geo SCADA Expert that was running prior to the upgrade, you should leave the Database Emulation enabled. This will provide a smoother downgrade path, as the format in which the database files have been saved since the upgrade will have remained unchanged from that used by the servers prior to the upgrade (see Perform a Downgrade after Upgrading Geo SCADA Expert).

Consider using Database Emulation if, for example, your system includes custom-built DDK drivers and you want to test that those drivers continue to run successfully following the upgrade. Likewise, if your system integrates with other data processing or reporting applications, or includes complex custom functionality that you want to check continues to run successfully following an upgrade of Geo SCADA Expert. Remember to turn Database Emulation off once you have determined that the upgrade is successful (see Disable Database Emulation after a Successful Upgrade). Once Database Emulation is disabled, the database items and properties that are only available in the version of Geo SCADA Expert to which the server has been upgraded will become available for use.

Ensure that all of your servers are running the same build of Geo SCADA Expert 2020 or later software before enabling the Database Emulation feature while you upgrade those servers to Geo SCADA Expert 2021 or later software. Once checks have been made to ensure that the upgrade was successful, you should ensure that all of your servers are running the same build of upgraded software before then disabling the Database Emulation feature.

Server Emulation

Server Emulation differs from Database Emulation, and relates to the way that clients connect to the server.

You use Server Emulation if your system includes clients that are running a mixture of different versions of Geo SCADA Expert. It enables you to continue to use any of those clients to display and/or edit Mimics, Trends, Logic programs, and so on. This scenario might occur when you are upgrading your system, causing it to temporarily include a mixture of old and new clients. The format in which documents are stored varies slightly with the version of Geo SCADA Expert software (due to each later version supporting additional features and functionality to the previous version of software). Each client can only display documents that have been created and saved using a version of Geo SCADA Expert up to, and including, the version that the client is currently running. You therefore use Server Emulation to emulate the oldest version of Geo SCADA Expert software that is currently being used by the clients on your system. This will enable you to continue to use any of the clients that are running that version of the software onwards to display and/or edit Mimics, Trends, Logic programs, and so on.

Once you have upgraded the version of Geo SCADA Expert that is running on all of the clients in your system, you can turn Server Emulation off (or, if applicable, change the setting to emulate the oldest version of software that now applies to clients across your entire system). This will enable the documents to be saved in the file format for that version of the software, and the clients will gain access to the features and functionality that are supported by that version of software.

If Database Emulation is enabled in addition to Server Emulation, the list of software versions that are offered for Server Emulation will only include versions up to and including the Database Emulation version. Once Database Emulation has been disabled, the list of software versions offered for Server Emulation will extend to include the version of Geo SCADA Expert software that is currently running on the server.

Further Information

Server Emulation.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021