What is Geo SCADA Expert?

Geo SCADA Expert is a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. It comprises one or more Geo SCADA Expert servers (see Geo SCADA Expert Server). The server contains the database (configuration and data for each item on the system) and communicates with the other devices—outstations, PLCs, sensors and so on—that comprise your system. The Server typically monitors such devices and retrieves their data. The data is processed for use in Geo SCADA Expert (for example, raw analog data might be scaled to a more meaningful range). If configured to do so, the Server can also send instructions (controls) to any of those devices, for example, to start a pump, or switch off a motor. Controls that are sent from the Server can be triggered automatically or manually.

Typically, you will access the Server’s data by logging on to a Geo SCADA Expert Client. There are two types of Geo SCADA Expert client:

Multiple ViewX clientsand/or Virtual ViewX clients can connect to Geo SCADA Expert server simultaneously.

This guide:

It is also possible to access Geo SCADA Expert via a:


Geo SCADA Expert 2021