Pre-Configure Geo SCADA Expert - Upload or Import Later

You can choose to pre-configure some or all of the points, profiles and application programs in Geo SCADA Expert prior to importing or uploading configuration. When you have pre-configured Geo SCADA Expert, you can import or upload the Field Device's configuration at a later time.

During the import/upload, Geo SCADA Expert will:

Points and application programs are matched based on their types and point numbers. For example, if a Field Device has an analog input 5, Geo SCADA Expert will create or update a WITS analog input point with point number 5.

Pre-configuring the database in this way can offer several benefits:

If you choose to pre-configure WITS points, each point will show a configuration error saying that the point does not exist in the outstation. When you import or upload configuration, the error will disappear. However, if you pre-configured any points that do not exist in the bulk configuration, the error will remain (as the points are invalid).

Pre-configuration can be used with any of the WITS Configuration Strategies. It is simply an extra step that is performed after the pre-requisites have been configured and before the import/upload.

Further Information

WITS Outstations: see Configuring a WITS Outstation

Configuring a WITS Analog Point

Configuring a WITS Binary Point

Configuring a WITS Counter Point

Configuring a WITS Firmware Image

Configuring a WITS Integrator Point

Configuring a WITS Maximum Point

Configuring a WITS Mean Point

Configuring a WITS Minimum Point

Configuring a WITS No Change Point

Configure a WITS Pulse (NULL) Action

Configure a WITS Pulse (Trip-Close) Action

Configuring a WITS Rate of Change Point

Configuring a WITS Runtime Point


Geo SCADA Expert 2022