XML Elements
A Startup Configuration File is an XML file. It must contain a valid combination of the elements that are described in this topic.
XML is case-sensitive. To be valid in XML files, Boolean 'true' and 'false' values must be fully lower case.
unexpected behavior OF APPLICATION

This is the root element. It contains the WindowContainers and InitialDocuments elements.

Use the WindowContainers element to define the collection of Window Containers. The element has to contain one PrimaryWindowContainer element, and zero to 5 SecondaryWindowContainer elements.
Attribute Name | Type | Required | Description |
CanFloatWindows | Boolean | No |
Controls how floating windows are managed between Window Containers (see Control Floating Windows). The options are:
It is expected that this option would be used for multi-head control-room clients. XML is case-sensitive. To be valid in XML files, Boolean 'true' and 'false' values must be fully lower case. |
MaximumDocumentWindows | Int | No | Controls the maximum number of windows that can display across all Window Containers. The range is 1 to 100. If this attribute is not specified, 100 is the default. |

Use the PrimaryWindowContainer and SecondaryWindowContainer elements to define each Window Container and how they will display when the ViewX client launches.
Attribute Name | Type | Required | Description |
AlarmBannerDisplayState |
String (DockedTop, DockedBottom, Fill) |
No |
This specifies the position of the Alarm Banner within each Window Container. The banner can be docked at the top or the bottom. The Fill setting allows the banner to fill the whole Window Container. For more information, see Launch the Alarm Banner in Fill Container Mode. If you omit this attribute the Alarm Banner is displayed only in the Primary Window Container. |
AlarmBannerPersistSettings | Boolean | No |
This attribute allows you to define the Windows Container for which the Alarm Banner settings are saved. The options are:
This attribute needs to be set if an AlarmBannerDisplayState attribute has been defined for any Window Container. XML is case-sensitive. To be valid in XML files, Boolean 'true' and 'false' values must be fully lower case. |
Name | String | Yes |
Specifies a unique name to reference the Window Container. Only used on the SecondaryWindowContainer element, as the Primary Window Container uses the name 'Primary'. The name must be between 1 and 32 characters in length. |
Monitor | Int | No |
This attribute is retained for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the MonitorOrigin attribute, rather than this attribute, in your Startup Configuration files. The attribute indicates on which monitor the Window Container will display. The number reflects the order that is returned by the Windows API call 'EnumDisplayMonitors'. The monitor numbers that are returned by the Windows API call do NOT necessarily correspond to the numbers that are assigned to those monitors in the System Display settings in Windows. The minimum valid value is 1. For an example that demonstrates the use of this attribute, see 'Define Primary and Secondary Window Containers' in Startup Configuration File. |
MonitorOrigin | Integer, Integer | No |
Defines the origin (top-left coordinate, in pixels) of the monitor on which the Window Container is to display. For a Window Container to appear on the primary monitor (the one on which the Start menu appears in Windows), you have to specify: The origins (top-left coordinates) of other monitors are in pixels relative to the position of the primary monitor. The attribute uses standard To determine the MonitorOrigin coordinates that apply to the secondary monitors on a ViewX client, you can use the Display settings in Windows. Alternatively, you can download a tool from the Resource Center. The tool provides the top-left coordinates of all monitors that are connected to the client machine on which it is run. It also provides the display resolution of the primary monitor (the one on which the Start menu appears in Windows). When using this attribute, ensure that you include it within all Primary and SecondaryWindowContainer elements that exist in your Startup Configuration file. ViewX will display a diagnostic message if the attribute is specified for some, but not all, Window Containers in a Startup Configuration file. If the MonitorOrigin attribute is omitted altogether from a Startup Configuration file, ViewX will determine the monitor allocation based on the Monitor attribute instead (if that attribute is included in the Startup Configuration file). If both the MonitorOrigin and Monitor attributes are included in a Startup Configuration file, ViewX will ignore the Monitor attribute settings. |
OpenInWindow | String | No |
Specifies the destination Window Container for all navigation commands. For example, if the user follows a hyperlink, then the linked page will display in the Window Container named in this parameter. This attribute is designed to redirect an open document request so that the target document appears in another Window Container. To specify the Primary Window Container, enter 'Primary'. To specify a Secondary Window Container, enter the Name that is assigned to that Window Container (as defined using the Name attribute, described above). If you apply this element to the Primary Window Container, you can only specify a Secondary Window Container as a destination. |
DisplayMode |
String (Maximized, Restored, FullScreen) |
No |
Controls the initial window mode of the Window Container. For information on full screen mode, see Launch a Window Container in Full Screen Mode. If the user has their task bar set to Auto Hide, then in maximized mode they will not be able to access the task bar with the mouse. Instead they need to press the 'Windows' keyboard key. |
ToolbarMode |
String (HideRibbon, HideQAT, HideAllMenus) |
No |
Controls whether the ViewX ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar appear on the Primary and Secondary screens. Enter one of the following strings within the PrimaryWindowContainer element: HideRibbon—This hides the ViewX ribbon and all tabs on the Primary screen. HideQAT—This hides the Quick Access Toolbar on the Primary and Secondary screen. HideAllMenus—This hides the ViewX ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar on the Primary and Secondary screen. If a screen does not have a ViewX ribbon or Quick Access Toolbar on display then the logon menu will also be hidden on that screen. |
Position | Integer, Integer | No |
Defines the position (based on the top-left corner) of the Window Container, relative to the monitor it is on. Applies regardless of the DisplayMode, as even when maximized or in If the position specified results in the bottom right corner of the Window Container being outside of the monitor's work area, the position will be adjusted. If the position is not specified, the Window Container will be centered in the monitor's work area. |
Size | Integer, Integer | No |
Defines the size of the Window Container. Applies regardless of the DisplayMode, as even when maximized or in If the size is greater than the monitor's work area, the window will resize to fit. If the size is not specified, the Window Container will be sized to half the monitor's work area. |
LegacyHead | Int | No |
To support backward compatibility, this parameter identifies the Window Container with a head number (see Assign a Head Number to a Window Container). If the head number is not specified, the system will automatically assign a number based upon the Window Container order in the configuration file. The range is 1 to 16 inclusive. |
ReapplyOnLogOn | Boolean | No |
When set to true, the Window Container is reset to the settings specified in the configuration file. This attribute is only allowed on SecondaryWindowContainer elements, as moving or changing the main application window on logon would be visually distracting. XML is case-sensitive. To be valid in XML files, Boolean 'true' and 'false' values must be fully lower case. |

ToolbarMode is an optional attribute that you can include within the PrimaryWindowContainer element, to control the Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar. See the ToolbarMode entry within the table about the PrimaryWindowContainer element for more detail.

The InitialDocuments element contains zero or more Document elements that define which documents display when the ViewX client launches.

Use the Document element within the InitialDocuments element to specify a document to open when ViewX launches.
Attribute Name | Type | Required | Description |
Window | String | Yes | Specifies the Window Container in which the document will open. |
Type |
String (Object, Query, Alarm) |
Yes | Specifies the type of document to open. |
System | String | Yes | Specifies the Geo SCADA Expert system (database) that hosts the document. |
Title | String | No | Specifies a title for a query document. |
The content of the Document element specifies the document details:
- Object: The content has to be the name of an object in the database. If the object does not have a document type (for example, a point), a diagnostic message will display when opening. It is not possible to open the configuration Form for an object on start up.
- Query: The content has to be an SQL query.
- Alarms: The content has to be an alarm filter string.
Further Information
Examples that demonstrate the use of specific XML attributes: see Startup Configuration File, and see Example Configuration.