Features of a SCADAPack E Outstation

Schneider Electric’s SCADAPack E range of outstations provide several advanced features that are not typically found in other DNP3 outstations. In addition to the DNP3 protocol, SCADAPack E outstations support:

You use a DNP3 file transfer to download the configuration file for these features, from the SCADA Master (Geo SCADA Expert) to a SCADAPack E outstation. If you create your database using the DNP3 SCADAPack E database items (see Configuring DNP3 SCADAPack E Devices in Geo SCADA Expert), you can use Geo SCADA Expert to generate the SCADAPack configuration file according to the settings that you specify for those database items. By using the Configuration Setup window in Geo SCADA Expert, you can specify any additional files that contain configuration information that is not created by Geo SCADA Expert (see Working with DNP3 SCADAPack E Outstation Configuration Files).

The following sections illustrate a few examples of SCADAPack E outstation features, including:

Also see Supported Communications Setups.

Be aware that some of the functions on a SCADAPack E outstation are only activated if an outstation is licensed to provide those features. For instance, the appropriate licenses must be installed to activate Multi Master or Data Concentrator functionality.

You can combine various features illustrated in the examples mentioned above in a single configuration. For example, you can use a SCADAPack E outstation to route DNP3 frames over a radio network and as a TCP/IP router linking two TCP/IP networks.


Geo SCADA Expert 2020