Configure an EtherNet/IP Channel

The EtherNet/IP driver supports an EtherNet/IP Direct Channel. This channel is used for controllers that are permanently connected to the Geo SCADA Expert server, for example via a cable, network, or a continuous radio signal.

For the controllers that use direct communications on your system, you need to configure an EtherNet/IP Direct Channel for each uninterrupted communications connection that exists between the Geo SCADA Expert server and EtherNet/IP controllers.

The EtherNet/IP Channel Form has several tabs. The tabs contain properties that are common to many channels. For information on these tabs, see Tabs on Channel Forms.

You use the fields within the Scan Groups section of the Scan Parameters tab to specify the frequency with which current data is updated in Geo SCADA Expert (see Define Intervals for Timed Current Data Updates).The Scan Group interval should be a multiple of the points’ Retrieval Interval rate (see Configure Common Point Properties).

You use the Set Outstation Clock section on the Direct Channel Form’s Scan Parameters tab to define when the Geo SCADA Expert server sets the outstation clocks. For more information, see Define when the Server Sets the Outstations’ Clocks.

Be aware that when the Set Outstation Clock properties are set up and saved on an EtheNet/IP Channel, this will trigger the driver to send a Set Clock request to the controllers on that channel. You should then wait a short time before attempting to send any further Set Clock requests. If multiple Set Clock requests are attempted in quick succession (less than 15 seconds apart), this might result in the latter of those Set Clock requests failing.


Geo SCADA Expert 2020