Points Used on Hilscher Scanners

Hilscher Scanners can support Analog points and Digital points.

You configure the Hilscher points on your system by using the appropriate Hilscher Point Form (for instance, if your system uses PROFIBUS-FMS and you want to scan analog-type data, you would create and configure a Hilscher Profibus FMS Analog Point). For more information on which type of point you need to create and configure, see Configuring Geo SCADA Expert to Communicate with Hilscher Devices.

Each Point Form has several tabs. For information on configuring properties on the Hilscher tab on each Form, see Configuring Analog Points, or see Configuring Digital Points, as appropriate.

For information on configuring properties on the <Point Type> tab, see the appropriate reference below:

For fields on the other tabs, see Tabs on Point Forms in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Simple Drivers.

For general information on creating a point and displaying a Point Form, see Create and Configure a Point in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Core Point Configuration.


Geo SCADA Expert 2020