Configuring a Modbus Slave Source

The Modbus Slave driver uses Source database items to represent groups of data. For example, a Source item can represent a block of registers that are scanned by a particular Master.

The configuration of each Source defines the location of the data that is:

You can configure one Source per device per Slave channel.

Before configuring a Modbus Slave Source in Geo SCADA Expert, you need to undertake the necessary Preparation.

Configure each Source by using the fields on the Modbus Slave Source Form.

The Modbus Slave Source Form has several tabs. This section explains the fields on the Source tab.

Use the fields on the Source tab to:

For information on the fields on other tabs, see Tabs That are Common to Many Configuration Forms in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Simple Drivers.


Geo SCADA Expert 2020