Configuring SCADAPack 50 Analog Points

In Geo SCADA Expert, you use an Analog Point database item to represent a sensor or measuring instrument that is connected to a SCADAPack 50 device and reports data that can be in a range of values. For example, the measurements of a liquid level in a tank.

You configure the properties for each Geo SCADA Expert Analog Point database item by using the fields on the SCADAPack 50 Analog Point Form.

Each Form has a number of tabs. This section describes how you configure the properties on:

The properties on the other tabs are common to many drivers (see Tabs on Point Forms in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Advanced Drivers).


Use the Analog Point tab to:


Use the Device Point tab to Configure SCADAPack 50 Device Point Properties.


Geo SCADA Expert 2020