SCADAPack x70

SCADAPack Import

Associated with: SCADAPack x70 Device Configuration items

You can use the Import from RemoteConnect pick action to import SCADAPack Import configuration files into Geo SCADA Expert from SCADAPack RemoteConnect software.

The SCADAPack Import status attribute indicates the name of the application that generated the file and version of the last SCADAPack Import configuration file to be imported into Geo SCADA Expert for the selected SCADAPack x70 Device Configuration item.

When you export the configuration to a SCADAPack Import configuration file using the Export to Remote Connect pick action, the version number of the generated .RTZ file increments by 1 from the version number of the last imported file.


Name "unityTRSSDtmManifest", Version 1

For further information about the imported SCADAPack Import configuration file, use the SCADAPack Import status attribute in conjunction with the Device Configuration item's SCADAPack Import File n status attribute(s).

If a SCADAPack Import configuration file has never been imported into Geo SCADA Expert for that particular Device Configuration item, the SCADAPack Import status attribute displays the value 'None'. When you export the configuration to a SCADAPack Import configuration file when the SCADAPack Import status attribute is 'None', the generated .RTZ file will have the version number of 1.


Geo SCADA Expert 2020