Configure Geo SCADA Expert to Retrieve Trio Radio Diagnostics
On a Geo SCADA Expert system, you configure the Geo SCADA Expert database so that entries in the database correspond to the devices and parameters that you want to monitor on your system. This section summarizes the database items that you need to configure on your system in order for Geo SCADA Expert to retrieve diagnostics data from Trio radios.
Geo SCADA Expert can only retrieve diagnostics from Trio radios if the Simple Trio Diagnostics Driver is installed and running on the Geo SCADA Expert servers on your system. Similarly, you can only configure the required database items if the Simple Trio Diagnostics driver is installed and running on the Geo SCADA Expert servers. (On the Modules tab of the Geo SCADA Expert Server Status Tool, the driver is listed as the TrioDiagnostics driver.)
When you configure Trio Diagnostics items in the Geo SCADA Expert database, many of the settings of those items need to correspond to the settings of the relevant Trio radios on your system. Some settings are either fixed (incorporated into the design of the Trio radio) or are configured by an engineer. You need to have access to, or an understanding of, the settings of the Trio radios on your system before you can configure the Trio Diagnostics database items successfully.
For example, you need to know the serial number of each Trio radio and be familiar with Trio Diagnostics Terminology.
You also need to be aware of which optional features are required for each Trio Diagnostics database item. These features include:
- Alarm views
- Alarm redirections
- Historic data storage
- User methods.
You can also use core Geo SCADA Expert features with Trio Diagnostics database items, including Lists, Actions, and Mimics. See the core documentation for details.
In the Geo SCADA Expert database, you need to configure:
- One Simple Trio Diagnostics Channel for each communication connection between the Geo SCADA Expert server and a Trio ‘base’ radio (see Configuring a Trio Diagnostics Channel).
You only need configure a channel for each radio with which Geo SCADA Expert is to communicate directly. If Geo SCADA Expert is only to communicate with remote radios via a base radio, for example, you need only configure a Channel database item for each connection between Geo SCADA Expert and the base radio. However, if Geo SCADA Expert is also to communicate with the remote radios directly, you also need to configure a Channel database item for each connection between Geo SCADA Expert and those remote radios.
- At least one Simple Trio Diagnostics Radio for each Trio radio from which Geo SCADA Expert is to retrieve diagnostics data (see Configuring a Trio Diagnostics Radio).
If some diagnostics data needs retrieving more frequently that other diagnostics data on the same radio, use more than one Simple Trio Diagnostics Radio item to represent the same radio unit (see Configuring a Trio Diagnostics Radio).
- One Simple Trio Diagnostics Point of the appropriate type for each item of diagnostics data that Geo SCADA Expert is to retrieve from a Trio radio (see Points Used on Trio Diagnostics Radios). (D Series radios only support a fixed number of hard-coded status messages, each of which are analog. As such, you use Simple Trio Diagnostics Analog points to retrieve the diagnostics parameters from D Series radios.)
To minimize the time that it takes to configure the Simple Trio Diagnostics items, you may want to configure them in the order listed above, as Radio configuration requires that you specify a Channel, and Point configuration requires that you specify a Radio, and so on.