Install the Wonderware Alarm Provider Component

If you want to view and manage Geo SCADA Expert alarms from within Wonderware InTouch, you need to install the Geo SCADA Expert Wonderware Alarm Provider component and you need to enable the Wonderware Alarm Provider driver using the Server Configuration Tool. You can do this when you first install Geo SCADA Expert (see Installing Geo SCADA Expert) or you can modify your existing installation (see Making Changes to your Geo SCADA Expert Installation). You can find the Wonderware Alarm Provider component in the Server section of the Custom Setup page of the Geo SCADA Expert Installer Wizard.

When you perform a Full or Typical Geo SCADA Expert installation, the Geo SCADA Expert installer does not automatically install the Wonderware Alarm Provider component. You need to do a Custom installation and manually select the component.


Geo SCADA Expert 2020