Server Installation

If you want to edit Crystal Reports on a server that also acts as a client, you will need to install the Crystal Reports software and service pack. To install Crystal Reports and the service pack on a server-client, complete steps 1 to 3 of Installation on ViewX Clients on Which You Want to Edit Reports in addition to performing the steps provided below.

On each server in your system (with the exception of permanent standby servers), you need to:

  1. Install the Geo SCADA Expert software, including:
    • The relevant SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework component(s) (see Prerequisite Components in the Geo SCADA Expert Installation Guide).

      The SAP Crystal Reports runtime components are NOT installed by default. If you intend to install them you must purchase a Crystal Reports runtime license for each server on which these components are to be operational (clients do not need a license to use the runtime components). For servers on which the runtime components are operational, the Crystal Reports runtime license is included with the Geo SCADA Expert Crystal Reports driver license. Please contact your Schneider sales representative for more information.

      Geo SCADA Expert servers require the 64-bit version of the SAP Crystal Reports Runtime Engine to be selected. Geo SCADA Expert ViewX clients and Virtual ViewX servers require the 32-bit version of the SAP Crystal Reports Runtime Engine to be selected. Please select both if you are to run Server and Clients on the same computer. As the runtime components are prerequisites, you have to select them before you continue further with the Geo SCADA Expert installation (this is handled automatically in the Virtual ViewX installer). For more information about the installation order, see the Installation section of the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to the Crystal Reports Driver.

      If you intend using Crystal Reports on your system, you also need to install the Crystal Reports prerequisites and driver on any Permanent Standby servers, in order for the Geo SCADA Expert database to synchronize. However, as the Permanent Standby Geo SCADA Expert servers do not require the Crystal Reports driver to be operational, they do not require a Crystal Reports runtime license. (On the Modules tab on the Server Status Tool of such servers, the Crystal Reports driver will show a red 'No License' state due to the lack of runtime license. This is expected on Permanent Standby servers. On all other servers on systems that use Crystal Reports, the Crystal Reports driver and runtime components must be licensed.)

    • The Server Crystal Reports component
    • The Data Access component (which includes ODBC).
  2. Set up the required ViewX client connections to the server. For information, see:
  3. Add an ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) for the Geo SCADA Expert driver, to allow Crystal Reports to access the Geo SCADA Expert database. Crystal Reports uses the DSN to access the relevant database whenever you generate, print, or export a report using the Generate Report, Print Report, or Export Report pick actions.

    You add the DSN using the ODBC Data Source Administrator Tool. You can access the tool from the Administrative Tools application, available from the Control Panel in Windows® (see Configure an ODBC Client - System Connection using a DSN in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Client Administration).

    The DSN has to be an ODBC System DSN.

    On a computer running a 64-bit version of Windows®, the DSN has to be a 64-bit ODBC System DSN. (Geo SCADA Expert’s Crystal Reports driver is a native application and so requires a 64-bit DSN on 64-bit machines.)

    We advise that the same System DSN name is used throughout your system. That is, that the System DSN has the same name on both the client(s) on which the reports are to be created, and on the server(s) that will be used to generate those reports. This applies even if you are only going to access the Local Database with Crystal Reports. (The Local Database is the Geo SCADA Expert database that contains the report.)

    NOTE: If the Geo SCADA Expert Server Configuration Tool is running locally on the server, you can also access the ODBC Data Source Administrator Tool from the Crystal Reports section of the Geo SCADA Expert Server Configuration Tool (see Configuring Crystal Reports Server Settings).

    For more information on setting up an ODBC DSN, see Configure an ODBC Client - System Connection using a DSN in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Client Administration.

  4. Use the Crystal Reports section of the Geo SCADA Expert Server Configuration Tool to enter the name of ODBC System DSN that you added in step 3. This provides the association between the Geo SCADA Expert database and the ODBC DSN that the Crystal Reports driver uses to access the local database (see Configuring Crystal Reports Server Settings, and see Accessing the Geo SCADA Expert Database).
  5. If your system comprises Multiple Databases, repeats step 2 to 4 as required, in order to add a client connection and ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) for each Geo SCADA Expert database that Crystal Reports is to access from the server.

    If Crystal Reports is to access the data from one or more Remote Database(s)(see Specify the Data Source) the DSNs used in such reports have to match on the client(s) and server(s) on your system. (That is, for each Geo SCADA Expert database, the DSN has to have the same name and be connected to the same data source on the client(s) on which the reports are to be created, and on the server(s) that will be used to generate those reports.)

  6. Repeat the above steps for the other servers on your system (except permanent standby servers).

Furthers Information

For diagrams that illustrate the location of the Geo SCADA Expert components that you need to install, see Geo SCADA Expert Software Components.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021