Tabs on Point Forms
Point Forms have several ‘tabs’ or ‘pages’ for configuring different aspects of point data. For most points on advanced drivers, these tabs are available:
Use to optionally define a Help View
Use to specify the item's geographical coordinates. (You need only configure the properties on this tab if your system uses Geo SCADA Expert's Geographical Location features.)
Use to define any custom pick actions (‘methods’) for the point (see Using the User Methods Tab to Define Custom Actions).
Use to define optional features associated with any point alarms (see Defining an Item or Group’s Alarm Properties).
Use to define any alarm redirections for the point (see Configure Alarm Redirections for an Item or Group).
Use to define any historic data storage settings for the point (see Defining Historic Details for a Point).
The Historic tab is only included on the relevant configuration Forms when the Historic Data feature is enabled on the server. The feature enables Geo SCADA Expert to store data historically (see Historic Data Storage Settings).
Use to define any point- or driver-specific settings (
In addition, Forms for points such as output and computed points include this tab:
Use to define the control settings for a point (see the driver-specific documentation and also, as appropriate:
- see Define the Control Settings for an Analog Output Point
- see Define the Control Settings for a Digital Output Point
- see Define the Control Settings for a String Point
- see Define the Control Settings for a Time Point.)
The control actions for a Pulse point are typically configured on the Pulse Action tab (see Defining Pulse Action Details).
Use to define the control checks settings for a point (see Configuring Control Checks Settings).