Add a Custom Pick Action

To add a custom pick action to an item in the database:

  1. Display the Form for the database item for which you want to add a custom pick action (see Display a Form).
  2. Select the User Methods tab.
  3. Ensure that the Enabled check box is selected, so that the fields on the User Methods tab are available for use.

  4. Select the browse button adjacent to the first unused Object field.
    A Reference browse window is displayed.

  5. Use the Reference browse window to locate the database item for which ClearSCADA is to trigger the custom pick action.
  6. Select the browse button adjacent to the corresponding Method field.
    The Edit Method window is displayed.

  7. Use the Edit Method window to select the method that ClearSCADA is to trigger on that item and to specify the values of any arguments for that method (see Specify a Method).

    The list of available methods varies, depending on the item that is specified in the window’s Object field and the entries in the Aggregate or Alarm fields.

    For information on the type of expression that you can specify, see Method Expressions, and see User Method Expressions.

  8. Use the corresponding Title field on the configuration Form to specify the pick action name that is to appear whenever a pop-up context-sensitive menu is displayed for the item on which you are configuring the User Method details.

    We advise that you use a naming convention that makes it clear when a pick action is a custom action, so that users are aware as to which actions can be further modified or updated, if necessary.

  9. Use the Permission combo box to specify the permission that a user has to be allocated in order to be able to execute the user method.

    By default, the Permission field is set to Control, which requires a user have access to the control action(s) for that database item, in order to execute the user method.

    For more information on the permissions that ClearSCADA supports, see Permissions for Database Items.

  10. Repeat steps 4 to 9 for any other custom pick actions that you want to define on the same Form.
  11. Save the configuration.

Further Information

For a series of examples that demonstrate how custom actions might be used on a ClearSCADA system, see Example Configuration.


ClearSCADA 2017 R3