Export the Report in an E-Mail Message

You can attach a report to an e-mail and send that e-mail automatically to any User, User Group, or User Roster on your system. To use the e-mail facility, you need to check that:

To allow ClearSCADA to export a report via e-mail, you need to specify the E-Mail Destination on the Export Destination tab, and then use the tab to specify these e-mail properties:


A report that has its:

  • Export Format specified as Separated Values
  • Export Destination specified as E-Mail
  • Contains this configuration on the Export Destination tab of the Crystal Report Form:

  • is used to export reports:

  • as .csv files with file names such as 20120425Report.csv
  • attached to e-mails that contain this type of content:

Further Information

see User Accounts in the ClearSCADA Guide to Security.

see User Groups in the ClearSCADA Guide to Security.

see Configure a User Roster in the ClearSCADA Guide to Alarm Redirection.


ClearSCADA 2017 R3