Retrieve Data from a Hot-Standby Radio
The configuration setup required for communicating with a hot-standby radio (also known as a dual base radio) differs slightly to that required for single radio units. It also varies, depending on the Series of Trio radios. Select the relevant entry below to display more information.
Regardless of radio Series, a hot-standby setup comprises a hot-standby controller unit that is connected to two radios that function as one base radio (a setup in which only one of the radio units is active at a time). Geo SCADA Expert communicates with the hot-standby controller unit, rather than directly with the hot-standby radio.
With D Series Trio radios, only one of the radio units that function as the hot-standby radio is online and responsive at any one time. Geo SCADA Expert does not poll the second radio unit while it is offline.
In Geo SCADA Expert, you configure one Advanced Trio Diagnostics Radio to represent the hot-standby radio, and one set of Advanced Trio Diagnostics Analog Input Points to retrieve diagnostics data from that hot-standby radio.
On the configuration Form of the Radio database item, you use the Second Unit Serial Number field to specify the serial number of the second radio unit in the hot-standby radio. Geo SCADA Expert then polls whichever of the two radio units is online.
With an E or Q Series hot-standby radio setup, although only one of the two radio units is considered to be active at any one time, Geo SCADA Expert polls both radio units as they both continue to respond to diagnostics polls.
In Geo SCADA Expert, you configure:
- Two Advanced Trio Diagnostics Radios - one for each radio unit in the hot-standby radio. You associate both radios with the same Radio Set
- Two sets of Advanced Trio Diagnostics points of the appropriate types to represent:
- The diagnostics data that is shared between both radio units in the hot-standby radio
- Any data or controls that are unique to either of the two radio units
You associate each set of points with the relevant Radio item in the database (so that one set of points represents the data in one radio unit in the hot-standby radio, and the other set of points represents the data in the other radio unit).
- One set of Internal Points or Calculation Points, which you program to select their values from one of the above sets of points, depending on which radio unit is active.
As much of the configuration of the radio units and the points that represent the shared diagnostics data has to be identical, we recommend that you use a Group Template to set up the required configuration of the radio units and shared points. You then associate two Group Instances with the Group Template - one Group Instance for each radio unit and associated collection of shared points in the hot-standby radio. (Group Instances take much of their configuration settings from the corresponding items in the Group Template that they reference.) In the Group Instances themselves, you specify any settings that need to differ between the two groups of database items (such as each radio's serial number).
You then need to determine which of the two radio units is the active radio, and so which set of data from the shared points should be used by Geo SCADA Expert. There are various means of doing this. You might want to use a Logic program along with Internal Points, or expressions with Calculation Points, and so on.
Further Information
Group Templates and Group Instances.
Logic: see the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Logic.
Expressions: see the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Expressions.
Configuring a Radio on the Advanced Trio Diagnostics Driver.