Introduction to the CFX Export Driver

This driver is a stand-alone driver. It provides additional functionality to enable Geo SCADA Expert to interface with specific supported systems or devices. To interact successfully with such systems or devices, you need to:

Intended Audience

This guide is intended for all levels of user:

Document Scope

This guide explains how to:

Geo SCADA Expert’s CFX Export Driver enables you to export the following measurement data from Geo SCADA Expert in Common File Exchange (CFX) format:

For information about specifying a CFX file format for exports, see Configuring CFX Server Settings.

The CFX file format is proprietary and confidential to Flow-Cal, Inc. Once exported, the data can be imported into any of Flow-Cal’s measurement data management applications.

Geo SCADA Expert can monitor flows by interfacing with SCADAPack controllers that are running Realflo. The Realflo feature converts SCADAPack controllers into electronic Flow Computers. To retrieve flow measurement data, your Geo SCADA Expert system has to be running the SCADAPack Modbus driver, along with the Realflo driver extension. A SCADAPack Modbus Flow Run item has to be suitably configured in the Geo SCADA Expert database for each flow run (for which flow calculation data is to be retrieved). For further information on SCADAPack Modbus and Realflo, see the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to the SCADAPack Modbus Realflo Driver.

To export the retrieved flow measurement data in Flow-Cal’s CFX format, your Geo SCADA Expert system has to:

This guide explains how to Add and Configure a CFX Export item in Geo SCADA Expert.

It also explains the CFX specific features that are of interest to operators:

and CFX specific features that may be of interest to system administrators and engineers when investigating unexpected system behavior (relating to the CFX Export driver):

For information on flow data that is not covered by this guide or the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to the SCADAPack Modbus Realflo Driver, see the documentation provided with the Realflo application, or the third-party application to which the retrieved data is to be exported.


Geo SCADA Expert 2020