Specify how Geo SCADA Expert Interprets an Input Point’s Cause of Transmission

Each IEC 60870-5 message includes a ‘Cause of Transmission’ indicator. The indicator specifies why the message was generated. Each outstation’s interoperability Profile document indicates which ‘Cause of Transmission’ indicators are supported. Point data that is returned by an outstation will be sent with one of four ‘Cause of Transmission’ indicators:

The Interrogation indicator is supported by each of the many different types of IEC 60870-5 outstation. However, support for the other indicators varies depending on the make and model of the outstation.

Use the fields within the Cause of Transmission Interpretation section on the <Point Type> tab to specify how Geo SCADA Expert is to handle point data that it receives with each ‘Cause of Transmission’ indicator. By default, Geo SCADA Expert points are configured to process the values that are returned by an outstation as current data. However, if you only require the data sent with certain ‘Cause of Transmission’ indicator(s) to be stored historically, you will need to specify different options. To do this, you will need to use the fields in the Historic Data Filter section to Specify the Type of Point Data that Geo SCADA Expert is to Store Historically.).

Use each combo box to display a list of options and select the required option. The options vary, depending on the transmission cause and the point type, but include a combination of the following:

Geo SCADA Expert will log an error should an outstation send an unknown Cause of Transmission identifier.


Geo SCADA Expert 2020