Configure the Scan Properties

Use these fields on the Scanner tab to define properties such as the scan rate, scan offset, and the type of data that is to be scanned.

You can also specify whether the scan rate is increased whenever any of the associated points are displayed on a client (see Define Whether a Scanner is Promoted While its Points are on Display in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Simple Drivers).

For information on fields that are available for many scanners, see Define the Scan Rate in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Simple Drivers. Fields that are specific to Modbus scanners are explained below:

Modbus PLCs use registers to store point data (see Modbus Register Ranges). Use the properties below to determine which block of registers are scanned by this scanner. (We recommend that you configure separate scanners to scan different blocks of registers in a range, if those blocks are some distance apart. This is more efficient than having one scanner scan a large range that includes many unused registers.)

Should an attempt be made to scan for data on registers outside of a remote device’s supported range, an exception error will occur—see Modbus Exception Errors.


A scanner has this configuration:

Data Address: 10
Data Length: 15
Location: Input Discretes

This results in the scanner scanning registers 10 to 25, within the Input Discrete register range. As Input Discretes are in the Modbus register range 100001 to 165536, and the scanner is scanning a block of 15 registers, starting with the 10th register, this results in the scanner scanning Modbus address range 100011 to 100026, with each register within the Input Discrete range comprising a one-bit value.

Another scanner has this configuration:

Data Address: 1000
Data Length: 5
Location: Input Registers

In this case, the scanner scans registers 1000 to 1005 within the Input Register block. As Input Registers are in the Modbus register range 300001 to 365536, this results in the scanner scanning Modbus address range 301001 to 301006, with each register within the range comprising 16 bits (that is, the scanner scans 5 Words of data).

(For more information on addressing, see Modbus Register Ranges.)


Geo SCADA Expert 2020