
A Chronology on a TBox RTU is a table of instantaneous events associated with a TBox register (tag). The events are listed in chronological order.

Chronologies are typically used to capture data on values that can change rapidly or sporadically. A Chronology can record up to 255 data values, with the tag name, the date, the time and the status or value.

A chronology is distinct from a Sampling Tables. Sampling Tables consist of values captured at regular intervals or on external triggers. You can include both Chronologies and Sampling Tables in a Trend.

To configure historical data using a Chronology, you need to:

  1. Configure a Geo SCADA Expert Outstation to correspond to the TBox RTU (see Configuring a TBox Outstation).
  2. Configure a Geo SCADA Expert Analog or Digital Point to correspond to the required tag on the TBox RTU, using the appropriate Modbus address (see Configuring TBox Analog Points or see Configuring TBox Digital Points).
  3. Select the Logged Data option in the Historic Data Filter property on the Analog Point or Digital Point tab (see Configuring TBox Analog Points or see Configuring TBox Digital Points).
  4. Enable historic data for the point using the Historic tab on the appropriate point Form (see Defining Historic Details for a Point in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Core Point Configuration).
  5. Specify the interval for retrieving historical data from the outstation (see Define the TBox Properties).


Geo SCADA Expert 2020