Using DNP3 Specific Actions
This advanced driver supports a combination of:
- Actions that are common to many database items (see Object Menu, and see Object Menu Options)
- Actions that are common to database items on many drivers (see Actions that are Common to Many Drivers)
- Actions that are driver-specific. The topics in this section provide information about the actions that are specific to database items on this particular driver. For more information, see the topics that are listed in the gray footer section at the bottom of this topic. Select the relevant entry to display the topic that you require.
NOTE: Control actions are only available on DNP3 output points that can be controlled from Geo SCADA Expert. If an output point is controlled exclusively by another application (such as ISaGRAF), no control actions are available for that point in Geo SCADA Expert. For more information, see Specify Whether an Output Point is Controlled by Geo SCADA Expert.
NOTE: This section is about pick actions that are specific to this driver. In addition to the pick actions mentioned here, this driver's extension drivers might support further pick actions. For information about driver-specific pick actions that are not covered in this section, see the relevant extension driver guide.