Specify the Network Properties of a WITS Outstation

If your WITS Field Device supports network communications, you can configure it to communicate with Geo SCADA Expert via an IPv4 network. (The Worldwide Industrial Telemetry Standards cover IPv6 network connections, but Geo SCADA Expert supports IPv4 only).

As part of the network configuration, you will need to specify various settings on the Network tab of the WITS Outstation Form. (For information on displaying the Outstation Form, see Display a Form).

WITS Outstation Form > Network tab

The Network tab is organized into separate sets of fields:

To configure your Field Device to connect to Geo SCADA Expert via a network, refer to the section that describes the type of functionality you require:

WITS Field Devices have a limited number of connections, see Connections Limit for WITS Field Devices.

For additional information on the possible configuration settings:

The options that appear in the Network configuration fields, and the number of connections you can configure, are defined by the Device Profile (see Display a WITS Device Profile).

Further Information

Deleting an Inbound Connection on a WITS Outstation


Geo SCADA Expert 2020