Database Status Information
The Server Status Tool provides status information that is organized into groups of categories, each of which contains sub-categories. The Database group contains the following sub-categories of status information:
- Alarm Redirections—provides status information about any alarm redirections that are in process.
- Buffers—provides status information about the internal buffers used in ClearSCADA.
- Data File Cache—provides statistical information about the data files that are used by Data Tables, Crystal Reports definition files, the latest Crystal Reports data files, and some other driver-specific files.
- Diagnostics—provides statistical information about system activity that you can use to investigate the amount of system traffic.
- File Statistics—provides status information about the database configuration and data files.
- Geospatial Index—provides diagnostic information about the contents of the index.
- Indices—provides you with faster access to specific areas of the database.
- Interest—provides status information about each database interest reference that is currently made between the server and the client(s).
- Latest System Calls—provides status information about the most recent system calls that have been executed.
- Queued System Calls—provides status information about the system calls that are waiting to be executed.
- Read/Write Lock Diagnostics —provides summary information about database lock usage.
- Reference Field Indices—provides a list of which fields are indexed, and information about the number of target and source fields and the names of each index.
- Searches—provides information about the current search requests for data in the database.
- Transactions—provides information about the current configuration transactions that are running in the background.
- Users—provides status information about the user accounts on the system.