SCADAPack x70

Set up Counter Configuration

The topics in this section document the properties on the Forms of SCADAPack x70 Counter Configuration items.

You add a SCADAPack x70 Counter Configuration item to the Geo SCADA Expert database for each Counter with which a SCADA master and/or a SCADAPack x70 Logic application is to interact on a SCADAPack x70 device. A SCADAPack x70 Counter Configuration item is required per Counter regardless of the protocol being used to communicate with the SCADAPack x70 device.

You configure the properties of each SCADAPack x70 Counter Configuration item using the fields on the SCADAPack x70 Counter Configuration Form. The Form has several tabs, some of which contain properties that are common to many database items, and others that contain properties that are specific to Counter Configuration items.

The topics in this section document the properties on the SCADAPack x70, DNP3, Modbus, and Mapping tabs.

Use the SCADAPack x70 tab to:


With the following tabs, you only need configure the properties on the tabs if Geo SCADA Expert or another SCADA master is to communicate with the SCADAPack x70 using those protocols:


You need only configure the properties on the following tab if the SCADAPack x70 Counter Configuration item is on a Slave device from which the SCADAPack x70 device requests data:


The properties on the remaining tabs are common to many database items. For information about those tabs, see Tabs on the Forms of Configuration Items.


Once you have set up the required Counter Configuration items in your database, consider whether you need to create and configure protocol-specific Points to reference those Counter Configuration items. Protocol-specific Points are required if Geo SCADA Expert is to be the SCADA master and is to communicate with the SCADAPack x70 device to retrieve Counter data. With such a scenario, you need to create and configure a SCADAPack x70 Point of the appropriate type per Counter Configuration item, to represent the type of protocol that Geo SCADA Expert is to use to communicate with the SCADAPack x70 device. For example, SCADAPack x70 DNP3 Counter Points if Geo SCADA Expert is to communicate with the SCADAPack x70 device and retrieve Counter data using the DNP3 protocol. For more information, see the relevant protocol-specific Point configuration section in this guide.


Geo SCADA Expert 2020