The Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Core Configuration and associated core reference guides provide information about the configuration features that are not specific to a particular driver. Items that are not driver-specific are referred to as core database items, as they are part of the core Geo SCADA Expert software. Other configuration features are driver-specific—they are only available if you have a specific driver installed, and are described in the relevant driver section.
Intended Audience
This guide is intended for engineers who are responsible are configuring the Geo SCADA Expert database.
Document Scope
This guide explains the various configuration practices and procedures with which you need to be familiar in order to configure the Geo SCADA Expert database.
The guide also includes information about:
- Geo SCADA Expert's system and state colors
- Configuring non-driver-specific features, such as Schedules and Calendars.
For information relating to point configuration, see Core Point Configuration. For information about configuring features or points that are associated with a particular driver, see the relevant driver-specific guide.

- Organizing and Configuring Your Database
- Diagnostic Messages and Notification Display
- Configuration Changes Auditing
- Displaying an Editor
- Working with Forms
- Restricted Configuration Access
- Importing and Exporting Database Items
- How to Restrict Alarm and Event Access to Specific Areas of Interest
- Checking for Invalid Configuration
- Placing an Item In Service
- Saving Configuration Changes
- Downloading Configuration Changes
- Configure the Properties of the Root or System Group
- Groups
- Group Templates and Group Instances
- Working with the OPC Data Bar
- Working with the OPC Historic Data Bar
- Using OPC Time Formats
- Time Zone Support in Geo SCADA Expert
- Specifying the Required Entry in a Date and Time Field
- Defining the Format of Displayed Values
- Defining Identification Details
- Using the User Methods Tab to Define Custom Actions
- Using the Add Action and Edit Method Windows
- Requesting Confirmation of Action Requests
- Defining a Default View
- Defining an Item or Group’s Alarm Properties
- Defining Severities
- Displaying a Database Item’s References
- Searching for Database Items
- Copying a Database Item
- Moving a Database Item
- Renaming a Database Item
- Converting a Database Item
- Deleting a Database Item
- Printing.

- Setting up Operator Document Stores
- Using Schedules to Automate Regular Functions
- Configuring Calendars
- Stand-Alone Method Calls
- Configuring System Commands
- Configuring Value Maps
- Configuring Master Station Accumulators
- Using Parameters to Store Static Data Values
- Using Variables to Store Data Values
- Configuring Historic Calculations
- Custom Tables - An Overview
- Configuring Forecasts
- Configuring Time Profiles.